Connection to account randomly lost - "login failed"


Yesterday my desktop app suddenly logged out and since then I’ve lost access to my account. It wasn’t a big deal because I still had the app open in my phone, but today it died too. Now I can’t gain access again because when I try the following message appears in my pc:

“Login failed – Error: an error occurred trying to connect: failed to lookup address information: Name or service not known”

and in android it says

“Login failed – Try again (os error 11)”

I’ve seen that a few people had the same problem.

It’s a great app and I don’t want to migrate to another one, help? :confused:

UPDATE: Fortunately after a few days I randomly gained access again through my phone with enough time to make a back up. In the mean time I tried to change the original account’s password, but an error appeared, quite weird because I have a password manager with the original pass stored. Then I deleted my account and made a new one again with the same email, which worked perfectly.
UPDATE OF THE UPDATE: Now it appears “Error loading profile” when trying to login, with the options Retry, Logout and Clear local data, none of them helps me to enter into my account again. fml.


Were you able to solve this problem?
Since last Sunday, May 17, I am experiencing the same issues with my login. I was logged out and since then I am not able to log in again. With different error messages.
I saw they had an emergency maintenance on May 16 and the database failed to start again. It was supposed to be solved, but I don’t have access to my account yet.
Any hint is highly appreciated. Thanks.


Hi! Unfortunately I didn’t found a correct way to solve it other than deleting the old account and making a new one again with the back up I did ( you can delete it from here without login). I had a lot of important things stored there, I learned a valuable lesson about how important a decent backup is.
I did it two times, one being the mentioned in “UPDATE OF THE UPDATE”. I didn’t keep on writing updates because I didn’t expect the last to work or contribute with useful info, but so far it’s all working again with no problems.

I want to clarify I am just a normal user with no further knowledge about the app, so maybe a professional opinion it’s better if you are in a more delicate situation.


One more thing! I didn’t confirm my account opening the link sent to my mail, the last time I did it was when the last error happened, and it just enabled a feature I didn’t use. Maybe that was the problem.


Ok, thank you very much for sharing. I am pretty sure I did confirm my account when creating it. I will try to get in touch with the developpers of the app, let’s see if I can get back access to my data.

Thanks again, keep you posted in case a solution is found.